Thursday, January 2, 2014

In 2014

I love the fresh start of the New Year. There is a zest in the air. A vibrancy that just radiates from the excitement of possibility. As corny as it may be, I can't miss the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and create a set of intentions for the upcoming year.

I saw this pin and thought it was a great place to start. I took a second to fill it out so I have something to hold me accountable in the coming year.

One of my favorite things to do is put together a virtual vision board on Pinterest. I did it last year and I was shocked by how many of my intentions for 2013 came true, even in totally unexpected ways. This year my board focuses on four things:

How I want to FEEL
Who I want to BE
What I want to DO  
and Where I want to GO

I highly recommend you go through the exercise for yourself. It's fun to lay out your new years resolutions in pretty pictures, and is a great reason to spend an hour or two on Pinterest (as if we needed a "good" excuse). If you decide to make one for yourself please share it with me in the comments. 

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