Monday, December 2, 2013

Life Lately: Big Trees Edition

I love Thanksgiving and missing the food and family time was not an easy decision but instead of trekking to southern California to visit with loved ones, my favorite guy and I took a little trip to Humboldt County. We had no real agenda or plan and just went up with the intent to see a lot of trees. It was a much needed break from the particularly difficult time I've been having in the "real world" to give thanks for all that is good in my life. Sometimes a little getaway is exactly what you need to rejuvenate, reinvigorate and generally find some happiness and for me this worked wonders.

We stayed in Trinidad, hiked in Redwood National Park, ate in Arcata and played tourist in Eureka.

1&2. Gorgeous sunrise  3. Arcata Shop 4. Arcata Plaza 5&6. Rita's Margaritas! 6. Hiking Day One begins in Fern Canyon (Which we called Fern Grove after Stern Grove, SF all weekend.) 7. Trees 8. Bridge Break 9. Local Brew 10. An elk at sunset 11. Thanksgiving Feast 12. Hike Day Two, Trillium Falls 13-18. More Trees 19. Clovers are purple in this neck of the woods. 20. Beach Yoga 21. Our zippy car for the weekend. It looked so sharp in all the greenery. 22. Home again home again jiggity jig.

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