Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How To Be Vulnerable

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I believe that being vulnerable is a virtue in relationships. But I've heard and read that sharing your vulnerability is so uncomfortable and unnerving that taking actions to be vulnerable must be thought out well in advance. We think we should be vulnerable with only certain people or in intimate situations.

In a quest to achieve my highest best I have decided to rid myself of this idea completely. Being vulnerable does not mean I must share my deepest secrets with every person I meet. Instead I am striving to express my vulnerability in many areas of my life and below I provide some ideas on how you can start to include this idea more in your own life.

To be vulnerable means answering with the truth when someone asks you how you are.

To be vulnerable is to ask friends for help when you are overwhelmed.

To be vulnerable is to recognize that your life is not made up of facebookable moments.

To be vulnerable is to resist shying away from discussing "deep" topics or "big life questions".

To be vulnerable encourages you to check in with your boss, friend or partner for feedback on how you're doing.

To be vulnerable is to admit when you feel a bit down in the dumps.

To be vulnerable is to bask in the silly wonderment of everyday life.

How are you vulnerable today?

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