Friday, August 14, 2015

In Transition

I'm in the middle seat on a short flight reading the book that I always read immediately after finishing a really good book. The aperitif of books. Like the sweetness of an after dinner drink that lessens the disappointment of a completed meal, this quick, heart reaching, intimate read always leaves me ready to take on another story. 

I look over as the plane descends and I see the setting sun and surrounding golden clouds reflecting in a large lake. "Wow, that's a large lake out there" I think to myself. And I remember the name of my connecting city. I've been here before but have never left  he airport. Utah isn't at the top of my list of states to visit but I can easily imagine why people come here. I's breathtaking from above and I wonder what I'm missing and think maybe I should see it from the ground sometime. But like so many things that deserve to be explored, I must continue passing through without a second glance. 

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