Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Something's Missing

For the last three weeks I have been a basket case. I am relieved to not have both a move and starting a new job looming over me, but I can't shake feeling frazzled and out of control. I almost feel like I'm on a permanent vacation, living in someone else's house, working a temporary job, eating whatever I come across with a calories-don't-count mentality. 

I'm realizing the thing that is missing here is routine. I have yet to create any sort of viable rhythm  I thought that my new hours, 12-7 PM coupled with living half a mile from my yoga studio would mean I would create this fabulous morning routine that involved sipping tea on my roof, carving out a good hour to write, followed by attending a yoga class daily. I've taken three morning yoga classes and sat on my roof exactly zero times. 

I've never thought of myself as lazy as my fantasy world involves this perfect well rounded routine of exercising, eating well, pursuing hobbies and taking on projects at work. Why then is it so hard to follow through? This is the part I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in. What makes us choose to ignore the pull towards being productive? I imagine laziness is a part of it, but I am baffled about the psychological effects lying underneath. Failure, ridicule, and fear overall often stop us from achieving those big goals, but creating a healthy routine, that I want to create? What the heck is stopping me?

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